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David Gilmour (Pink Floyd)
Lesson 1
This series of lessons will teach you the style and typical riffs that sound
just like ones that David Gilmour used on many of his famous songs and solos.
These lessons will not teach you any of his or Pink Floyd's songs, instead,
something that sounds like it. This will help you sound like David
Gilmour. If you want to learn some of his famous songs and solos, contact me for
private lessons and we can arrange it.
Now, on with this lesson!
Lyle: As the guitarist for the band Pink Floyd,
David Gilmour used Strat style guitars with many fx pedals like, chorus, delay,
distortion, reverb, compression and others to achieve his remarkable and
signature tone. His solo style revolves around the minor scales and minor
pentatonics in a very bluesy fashion. Here's the jam track you'll use for this
This jam is based around the Dm and G chords:
Watch the video clip to see me strumming these two chords.
Lyle: In the riffs in this lesson, you'll be
playing in the D minor pentatonic scales. Here's 4 basic patterns you'll need to
be familiar with for the licks tonight:
Let's piece together a solo made up of a bunch of licks, all from the D minor
pentatonic. The first lick uses only 4 different notes like this:
David's style is unique in that he builds his solos from simple blues licks. He
must have been influenced at an early age from some of the great blues masters
of years ago. Sometimes he starts down low like in lick 1, then he'll build it
up to the high frets. Lick 2 uses the same 4 notes as lick 1, but one octave
higher and in a different order.
Now combine licks 1 and 2 like this:
Although these are all relatively simple blues licks, be aware of the notations
like hammer-ons, pull-offs, bends and vibrato. These are all techniques that add
to the simple licks and make them sound so wonderful.
Here's lick 3, almost a "Clapton" sounding lick.
....add lick 4 to lick 3...
Here's a video clip of licks 3 and 4 played together:
All these licks can be played anywhere over the jam track, they're all
Lyle: Notice they sound like riffs Gilmour played
on Another brick In The Wall?
Lyle: You should try and memorize these short,
simple licks and play them in any order you want, improvise to the looping jam
Lyle: Here's lick 5:
Adam: That's
what I'm doing, it's pretty cool.
Lyle: Notice how each lick is building in
Here comes lick 8, which is one of my favorite D. Gilmour signature riffs...
Watch this video clip of me playing licks 8 and 9:
Now you're getting higher up the neck, building excitement with each lick.
Here's another signature Gilmour riff which will take you WAY up the neck:
Add this lick to #12:
Here's another one of those sliding licks:
There you have it, 15 short riffs, all in D minor. If you can memorize a bunch
of them, play them along to the looping jam track. Try them in different orders
and with your own style. I constructed these 15 licks in a certain order much
like Gilmour did in the song "...Brick in the Wall". Notice how the licks
started off down low on the neck, then worked their way up to the top frets,
then back down again. This is how a great solo is composed.
Remember, this is just how to play in the style of David Gilmour. This isn't a
note for note transcription of anything of his, but something close to get you
that sound.
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