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Lyle Ronglien >> Two Hand Tapping >>

Two Hand Tapping

Lesson 1

Lyle: I know a bunch of two hand tapping riffs and exercises that I'd like to show you. In this first lesson you'll learn 5 patterns for the G Maj pentatonic.

Lyle: If you're new to two hand tapping I'll start you off with 3 easy steps.

Lyle: The 1st step is to tap or hammer-on the right hand index finger to the 7th fret of the big E string.

Lyle: Don't let the other strings ring, keep them muted.

Lyle: The 2nd step is to pull-off the right hand finger to the 3rd fret left hand:

Lyle: The 3rd step is to hammer-on with the left hand to the A note on the big E string:

Lyle: Now you'll learn a 6 string pattern for the G Major pentatonic scale, made from the root, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th tones of the major scale.

Lyle: First I'll show you two strings at a time for the pattern.

Lyle: Here's the first section:

Lyle: Play that riff over and over until you get it smooth.

Lyle: Here's the next riff:

Lyle: The last riff of this whole pattern is:

Lyle: Next, the hard part, playing all three patterns/riffs together in one fluid motion.

Lyle: Here's some jam tracks to practice the pattern with.

Lyle: The G Major pentatonic works good against a jam track in G Maj.

Lyle: The G Major pentatonic can also work against the Em chord because Em is the relative minor of G Major. Try playing the G Major pent over this jam track in Em:

Lyle: Here's a jam track that combines G maj chords and Em:

Lyle: There are a total of 5 patterns for the GMaj pentatonic that you can tap out on the neck.

Lyle: You just learned pattern 1.

Lyle: Here's the rest of the patterns:

Lyle: Oh, I forgot to mention, these aren't easy to play.

mikeD: lol

Lyle: In the lesson sample I played all 5 patterns in a row.

John: How would you suggest we use these patterns to play over a common chord progression

Lyle: That's all up to you and how you want it to sound.

Lyle: You could play slow like I did in the lesson sample, or fast just to show off.

mikeD: could you play it over a blues progression in E min, since it is in the key of G maj?

Lyle: Yes you could try that. You could play sections of each pattern. Maybe just the 1st and 2nd strings of each pattern

Lyle: In the up coming weeks I share with you a bunch of tapping riffs and ideas to try.

John: What was your chord progression in the lesson sample?

Lyle: GMaj7 to CMaj7 to D7 to GMaj7 is the jam track for GMaj:

Lyle: I'll tab the chords for you....

Lyle: That's all for this lesson.

Mike: That CMaj7 sounds sweet...

Lyle: Thanks everyone and have a great week!

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