Beginning Guitar
III - Lesson 5
Power Chords - Part 2
Lyle: Last lesson you worked on power chords using the big 6th string as the root
note. This lesson you'll work on power chords that use the 5th string as the
root note. Here's the natural notes up the 5th string to refresh your memory
with. Click on the TAB and play it back so you can "see and hear it" on the
virtual fretboard:
natural notes on the 5th string
The hard part about playing a power chord using the 5th string as the bass/root
note is muting all the other strings.
power chord off the 5th string

Use the tip of your index finger to touch the 6th string so it gets
muted. You don't need to palm mute the 6th string.
Learn to mute it with the tip of your index finger. Here's a close-up video clip
of this:
power chords off the 5th string
Let's try a chord progression using just power chords off the 5th string. Here's
the chord chart:
exercise 1

Lyle: Here's the TAB so you know where to play
them. Use your index and 3rd fingers:
exercise 1
exercise 1
Lyle: In
this exercise you are striking the power chord on beat 1 of each measure. When
playing the open A5 power chord, try muting the 6th string with the thumb of
your fretting hand.
Lyle: Remember to click on the TAB file, load the
media, and play it back so you can "see and hear it" on the virtual
misterflub: Dumb question, but isn't it just easier to
precisely hit the chord only on the 5th and 4th strings, avoiding the
Lyle: Yes, but what if you're running across the
stage and doing a dive off the drum riser and have to hit that open A5 power
chord?, you'll want to have the 6th string muted. It's just a precaution to mute the other
strings so you don't have to be so darn carefull with the picking/strumming
Lyle: Once you feel you have a good idea how to
play the exercise 1 all the way through, try playing along to this looping jam
Jam Track -
exercise 1
Bigtx: I
noticed you wiggle or shake the strings slightly?
Lyle: When I hold out notes and even some chords,
I might give them a little wiggle/vibrato to help them sustain a
bit. It alsot sounds good most of the time to add
a little vibrato.
Bigtx: It looks
Lyle: It's fun, try it!
Okay, I'm new at this. Should you slide your fingers down the string or pick
them up and move them between chords?
Lyle: Very good question! Slide your fingers to
the next position since they are going to be on the same strings and power chord
Bigtx: Should we mix in what we learned last week on the
6th string?
Lyle: No, not here, not yet. Focus on just power chords off the 5th
string for this lesson.
Bill: What should we be doing
Lyle: Let's try another progression. Here's the
chord chart:
exercise 2

Lyle: Here's where you should play these chords
off the 5th string:
exercise 2
exercise 2
Just like in exercise 1, hit each power chord on beat 1 of each measure. Be sure
to listen to the TAB file so you get this right. This is pretty easy, a
descending chord progression, going down the neck. It has a heavy rock sound to
Lyle: Here's a looping jam track you should
practice playing along with:
Jam Track - exercise 2
Bigtx: Is the 5th note of the scale that makes up the
Lyle: Yes, the 1st and 5th note of the scale,
played together, make the power chord. Now let's try a variation of that last
exercise. Here's the same 4 chords but in a different

Lyle: In a true rock rhythm fashion, I want you
to hit the power chord 8 times per measure like this:
exercise 3
Joel: Ooh...
for those about to rock we salute you! getting into Angus Young mode.
Exactly, AC/DC style uses power chords all the time.
Lyle: Here's a looping jam track for exercise
Jam Track -
exercise 3
smitty: Lyle if
we add the one note from the 4th (G) string, is this still a power
Lyle: Yes, it would still be a power chord.
You're only adding an octave of the root note on top, making it louder and
fuller sounding.
Lyle: Next is a power chord test. I'll give you a
chord chart and a jam track and you need to figure out where to play all the
power chords using only the 5th string as your root, like you've been doing.
I'll put the answer in TAB at the bottom of this lesson.
power chord

Jam Track - power chord test
Scroll down for
answers to the power chord test
smitty: This is
pretty cool gang, not only are we learning power chords, but also the notes on
each string as we go along...
What Riff CD-ROM would compliment this lesson?
Lyle: Bigtx, you might try Angus
Young - AC/DC Style CD.
Lyle: You are right smitty, and you should try to
memorize the names of the notes on the 5th string.
Lyle: Your goal for this lesson is to be able to
play along to all the jam tracks for ex. 1, 2, 3, and the power chord test. Then
review the previous lesson about power chords on the 6th string again (Lesson 4
of this series).
Lyle: Any
questions before we take a break?
Bigtx: Power chords......are they on the 4th string as
Lyle: Yes, but we don't play them there too
Joel: So
they're mostly 6 and 5th strings?
Lyle: Yes Joel, mostly off the 6th and 5th
strings because they're heavier sounding for....POWER!!
misterflub: I
think I may be a candidate for private online lessons. This is an incredible
tool you have here, but I think I may need to be in the next level. It really is
the best tool I've seen yet.
Lyle: Thanks, let me know, I can make a custom
lesson for you. Email me at Lyle@theguitar.net
That's about it for this lesson. Thanks everyone for coming and with your
questions. In the next CD, Beginning Guitar IV, you'll be learning bar chords,
the moveable chords you can play anywhere on the neck.
Here's the answer to the power chord test:
power chord test
Thanks again, see you soon! Stay tuned! - Lyle