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Lyle Ronglien >> Progressive Rock Guitarists >>

Lyle: Tonight's lesson is about playing over the altered dominant chord. In the first looping jam track you will be playing against the A7#9 chord.

voodan: what kind of guitar are u playing tonight?

Lyle: Voo, I play a Brian Moore with Midiaxe(tm) pitch to midi converter built in.

Lyle: The first lick for tonight......

Lyle: is a finger stretcher!

MJ: what guitarist would use these licks?

Lyle: Jazz rock fusion players like Frank Gambale

Lyle: Steve Vai would even go in this outside direction.

Lyle: Is everyone familiar with the A mixolydian scale?

Jerry: Is that what that riff was in?

Lyle: Yes Jerry, but with a few extra notes.

Lyle: Here comes the second riff.

Lyle: Riff 2 is built on the whole tone scale. This gives us plenty of notes that sound great over this chord.

Lyle: Some of these riffs might be a bit tough to play at first. Don't forget you can slow down the media.

jarquiette: you were right about the finger stretch

Jerry: same scale as the last riff?

Lyle: No Jerry, this is built from the whole tone scale.

ginny: they are all whole steps

Lyle: Yes, all whole steps ginny.

Lyle: Very easy pattern once you see what's happening with the shape as it moves up the neck.

Lyle: Playing outside the patterns is what we are going after here tonight!

Lyle: This riff, the Fmaj7#5 lick is really an arpeggio played against the A7#9 chord.

ginny: That's a cool lick, sounds like a mix of minor blues and jazz

Lyle: Anytime you are playing against a dominant 7 chord, try going down two whole steps and play the Maj7#5 arpeggio.

Lyle: Ok, we're going to shift into the key of E7 now. Here's your new jam loop.

Lyle: These next couple of riffs are against the E7#9 chord.

Lyle: This riff starts off on another arpeggio.

Lyle: It's the D min7b5 arpeggio. Anytime you want to get that "outside" sound against a dominant 7 chord, try going down a whole step and play a min7b5 arpeggio!

ginny: like the run in the second & 3rd measure . mmm must practice that one. I haven't been exposed to much of this type of playing

Lyle: ginny, the second measure lick is a D diminished arpeggio.

Lyle: It's a great idea to learn your arpeggios. The hard part is knowing when to use them!

Lyle: This latest lick is really just an E minor arpeggio. It reaches the top and switches to a F minor arpeggio on the way down to help get some outside tones.

Lyle: I have one more lick for you all....

ecrm98: why does it end on B flat in lick 2?

Lyle: B flat is the "blues note"

Lyle: It gives the phrase tension.

Lyle: Oh, I see.

Lyle: B is the perfect 5th of the key.

Lyle: You don't have to end a lick on the tonic or root.

ginny: Ah, now that is what leaves you hanging because 5 normally resolves to 1 correct?

ginny: to the ear anyway

Lyle: Correct ginny!

ginny: Kind of a cliff hanger for the ears.

Lyle: Thank you all for coming tonight.

Lyle: Good night!!!

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